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Munching on hard foods or objects can, on rare occasions, crack a tooth in the back of your mouth. This can cause a weakened smile and dental issues. Even if there’s no pressure or discomfort, it can still be dangerous because it can trap food particles and plaque and create cavities. To help you deal with your cracked molar, our Cen-Tex Dental dental team encourages you to do the following things:

-Control bleeding and lessen inflammation: Try to halt bleeding by holding a piece of gauze pad or cloth to the area for about 10 minutes or until the bleeding stops. If desired, you can replace the pad or cloth with a new one after 10 minutes has passed. Reduce inflammation by applying an ice pack or cold compress to your jaw, cheek, or lip near the injured area. This will keep the swelling down and relieve pain.

-Avoid using the tooth: If you’ve cracked your molar and haven’t had time to get it treated, you may find yourself hungry. No worries. Simply eat soft foods and avoid chewing on the opposite side of your mouth.

-Visit your dentist: Visit our skilled dentist in Killeen, Texas as soon as possible. Also, if any part of your molar has broken off, please don’t forget to bring any pieces of it with you when you come in for your emergency appointment.

If you have any questions or if you would like to know more about how to care for your teeth in a dental emergency, please call Cen-Tex Dental at (254) 213-6300. Our dental team will be more than happy to help you in any way we can!